On 31 March 2023, the 24th conference of the legal and administration department of the University of Warsaw on the subject of “New Technologies as a source for challenges for the legal system in Poland” took place. The conference was about legal challenges associated with new technologies that we are facing more and more in our daily lives. In many cases legal regulations do not keep pace with technical changes and this prevents not only the use of new solutions but also the pursuing and detecting of criminals using new technologies in their actions. Speeches given during the conference referred to, among other things, algorithms and artificial intelligence, blockchains, big data, digital transformation, cybersecurity, cybercrimes and so-called ambient intelligence and attempted to show new courses of actions to meet new requirements and to present previously introduced measures. The DLP law firm was represented by Dr. Karol Świtaj at the conference who gave a speech on “Digital Transformation of civil court proceedings – de lege lata and de lege ferenda” which is available to view on the following YouTube page.